Pupil exchange fair “Auf in die Welt”
Adolescents who go abroad or wish to start an international study programme in 2018 should inform themselves now about offers and requirements. This was the objective of many pupils, families and teachers from Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate at the „Auf in die Welt“ fair of the German foundation for International Understanding in Wiesbaden.
Once again the fair took place at Obermayr Europa-Schule. Municipal councilor Axel Imholz opened the fair with a welcome address of the city of Wiesbaden. Many pupils and families were present directly at the beginning of the event. During the course of the day they collected information at the stands and in presentations. The interest reached from school exchange, language travel, volunteering, work and travel to international study programmes and scholarships.
Furthermore of interest for pupils and families:
The exchange scholarships with an annual value of 300.000 Euros, which pupils can apply for as of now.
The scholarship database of the German foundation for International Understanding at the pupil exchange portal.
The e-book guides „Auslandsaufenthalte KOMPAKT“ of the German foundation for International Understanding with numerous practical tips for stays abroad and their funding.
The provider search for all stays abroad on the pupil exchange portal with an overview on offers of the leading exchange and language travel organisations and with opportunity to easily compare and to order information material and free consultancy.