Campus Erbenheim

Opening times of administration

Monday – Friday

08.00 – 16.00 h

Tel.: +49.611.360730

Fax: +49.611.36073-22

e-mail: info@obermayr.com

Summer camp 2018

School types

Bilinguale Realschule

Bilinguale Realschule


We appreciate your interest.

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Gymnasium bilingual G8/G9

Gymnasium bilingual G8/G9


We appreciate your interest.

You find further information here:

Gymnasium bilingual plus G8/G9

Gymnasium bilingual plus G8/G9

Herzlich willkommen!

Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:

Gymnasiale Oberstufe

Gymnasiale Oberstufe


We appreciate your interest.

You find further information here:

Berufliches Gymnasium Fachrichtung Wirtschaft

Berufliches Gymnasium Fachrichtung Wirtschaft


We appreciate your interest.

You find further information here:

Berufliches Gymnasium Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Soziales

Berufliches Gymnasium Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Soziales


We appreciate your interest.

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Campus Erbenheim


Spenden für die Wiesbadener Tafel

Sternschnuppenmarkt 2018

Offener Campus 2018

Podiumsdiskussion zur Hessischen Landtagswahl 2018

Schüleraustausch mit Frankreich

Leonardo-Team stellt sich vor

Herbstfest 2018

Schüleraustauschmesse 2018

Schüleraustauschmesse 2018

Öffnungszeiten während der Ferien

Schulgarten Campus Erbenheim

Sommercamp 2018

Dreck-weg Tag 2018

Summer Camp 2018

Energy Run

Christmas Market 2017

Visit from Russia

School directors from Moskau visited Campus Erbenheim.

Pupil exchange with Spain 2017

Pupil exchange with Spain 2017
From 26.09. - 01.10.2017 19 pupils accompanied by Ms Joisten and Ms Córdova de Maier visited our partner school in Caldes de Montbui (close to Barcelona).
The photo shows all participants in front of Sagrada Familia at Barcelona.

Social education worker at Campus Erbenheim

Roberto Campanello

Social education worker B.A.

Focus: Education and Learning

Since 2012 working with children and adolescents. Former activities include out-of-school education in open and juvenile labour, school social work, administration and organisation of programmes for children and adolsecents, as well as afternoon programmes and excursions. We welcome Mr Campanello at Campus Erbenheim and wish him joy and success in his future tasks.

Autumn celebration 2017

Pupil exchange fair “Auf in die Welt”

Adolescents of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate are keen on international experiences.

Political Forum

Panel discussion with direct candidates of the parties that stand for election to German parliament

Welcome celebration 5th grade

Open Campus

On September 30th, 2017 all doors of the Obermayr Europa-Schule at Campus Erbenheim were open. The school administration, teachers and pupils introduced themselves with a diverse programme to numerous guests, who could inform themselves about the concept and the different education opportunities of the school.

Holiday calendar

Pictures of our school